Friday, March 11, 2011

Your formal introduction to steampunk and this blog. :D

New blog! Yaaaaay. In case you were wondering about the title of my blog, it's related to my current obsession with steampunk. What's steampunk you might ask? Well, it's kind of Victorian period meets sci-fi. The style behind the reimagining of a world of highly advanced technology where everything is powered by steam instead of electricity. But still in old Victorian style. Get it? No? Maybe this will help:

(btw, WANT.)

And some airships
 so...steamy. I mean cool.

But anyway. Now that that's out of the way, my blog.
I've had a couple of blogs over the years, but wanted to start fresh with a new one that would capture me right now as I am, on the cusp of turning 22 (eek!), and more importantly, one that I could share with everyone. Because trust me, you really don't want to read my rants as a 15 year old. I don't even like re-reading some of that stuff, and it's stuff that I wrote. So yes.

I don't know how often I'll write, but I definitely want to keep this blog as current as we'll just see how it goes.
Until next time,

Ana :)

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