Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Synesthetic Alphabet

So, not a whole lot of people know this about me, but I am a synesthete. I have synesthesia, a rare-ish ... condition (?) where I associate letters, numbers, days of the week, months, and musical pitches with colors textures, and in the case of all but musical pitches, personalities. I was born with it, and have been aware of having this strange ability for as long as I can remember. I never thought much of it, and figured that everyone had similar associations of some sort, until I was 15 and read A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass. The book, told in first person, is about a girl who has synesthesia, and ends up having an existential crisis over it.  She not only associates colors and numbers, letters, etc., but actually sees  the colors (and shapes) in front of her very eyes. All the kids at school find out about it and call her a freak, and she nearly loses her best friend over it, but she learns that she's not psychotic, no, she has (all together now) Synesthesia! And that's when I was all, "hey! me too!" Except the book kind of annoys me, because they make the whole thing out to be like some weird disease that will ruin your social life. But whatever.

But I hadn't thought much about it until recently, when trying to come up with 25 things people don't know about me for one of those facebook note things. After writing that I had it, I began reading up on it and found many others who have it as well. I was amazed to see that several of them posted images of their synesthetic alphabet, what their letters/numbers look like with their proper colors. It was jarring to see a yellow "K" or a blue "P". I mean, how could they be anything other than light blue and hot pink? And so, I decided to put together my own synesthetic alphabet. I tried to get the colors and fonts as accurate as possible, but it's sort of hard when you're limited to a computer. So anyways, behold!


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