Friday, March 25, 2011


I just watched the music video of Lady Gaga's "Born This Way".

I know, I know.

I was curious alright?

Before I watched it I was thinking about back when Harry Potter fandom was at its peak (I was totally there, dude) and people were going bananas and saying that it was the devil's work. That J.K Rowling was a devil worshiper, that she sold her soul for success for her book, that the whole thing was garbage, etc., etc., etc.

I thought they were being totally ridiculous, especially since most of these people had never even bothered to crack open any of the books, but were making these harsh judgements based on hearsay.
And then I realized that I was no better than they, seeing as I'd never really given Lady Gaga a chance, but just thought she was the newest loony fad that would eventually die out. I heard one song by her before, like 3 years ago and decided she was crap. Not just crap, but insanely weird for the sake of being weird crap.

And then today I was wandering around on YouTube when I realized I really wanted to see the video. I mean, it couldn't hurt could it?

So I did a search and clicked the thumbnail.

And my mind was kind of blown.

The video is awesome. No seriously, if you haven't watched it yet, go, watch it now.

I'll wait.


But anyways, she actually has a really cool voice! And the song is just so darn catchy, I'm pretty sure I'm going to have it stuck in my head all day. And I drooled a little bit when I saw the skeleton makeup.

I really liked the whole creepy sci-fi look of it at the beginning, it sort of reminded me of some kind of Coraline meets Rocky Horror mashup.

The whole thing is just really slick, from effects to vocals, to lyrics....

Lady Gaga, I kind of respect you now.

And I'm sorry I called you Lady Caca. Even though it was really funny.

Peace out!

WWJD? Pole dance, baby!

Pole Dancing for Jesus

Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Synesthetic Alphabet

So, not a whole lot of people know this about me, but I am a synesthete. I have synesthesia, a rare-ish ... condition (?) where I associate letters, numbers, days of the week, months, and musical pitches with colors textures, and in the case of all but musical pitches, personalities. I was born with it, and have been aware of having this strange ability for as long as I can remember. I never thought much of it, and figured that everyone had similar associations of some sort, until I was 15 and read A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass. The book, told in first person, is about a girl who has synesthesia, and ends up having an existential crisis over it.  She not only associates colors and numbers, letters, etc., but actually sees  the colors (and shapes) in front of her very eyes. All the kids at school find out about it and call her a freak, and she nearly loses her best friend over it, but she learns that she's not psychotic, no, she has (all together now) Synesthesia! And that's when I was all, "hey! me too!" Except the book kind of annoys me, because they make the whole thing out to be like some weird disease that will ruin your social life. But whatever.

But I hadn't thought much about it until recently, when trying to come up with 25 things people don't know about me for one of those facebook note things. After writing that I had it, I began reading up on it and found many others who have it as well. I was amazed to see that several of them posted images of their synesthetic alphabet, what their letters/numbers look like with their proper colors. It was jarring to see a yellow "K" or a blue "P". I mean, how could they be anything other than light blue and hot pink? And so, I decided to put together my own synesthetic alphabet. I tried to get the colors and fonts as accurate as possible, but it's sort of hard when you're limited to a computer. So anyways, behold!


Steampunk and friends go hand in hand :)

I made some new friends at school on Wednesday, and got to hang out with them again yesterday after class which was super fun. There was a group of people I used to run around with all the time from school, but after a while things began fall apart. Bad feelings emerged and I realized I would rather hang out by myself than continue to be cast out and made to feel like I didn't deserve them. So finally after what seemed like an eternity, I got tired of sitting by myself and began to seek people out--my friend Shirley introduced me to her friend Andrea, who happened to be friends with a girl in one of my classes, and they were all friends with a few others, and thus my months of solitude ended.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I have lots of wonderful friends, and in fact I was asked to be the Maid of Honor in my BFF Emily's wedding which is taking place next Saturday. Unfortunately, most of my friends live out of town, or go to school elsewhere, or have jobs that inhibit our ability to hang out on a regular basis. But anyway, new friends. They seem to like me and everything is good--one of the guys, Steven, complimented me on the boots I was wearing, which are my fave since they're kind of steamy--

aww yeah. Check out those faux brass buttons! Side note: I looove boots. I have 9 pairs. :D

I wanted to launch into my steampunk love rant, but I stopped myself, and decided to give a simple "thank you" and smile instead. It was bad enough that I was wearing my Aquabats shirt--

"Yeah, I saw them live at a show in January. A show, you know, like a ...concert? No it wasn't as big as Metallica's. But yes, they're a ska band. Oh, what's ska? Um, like reggae on speed. Reggae. You know reggae...Bob Marley?...yeah, well anyway, they're a ska band, but kind of with a comedy not like Weird Al. Well they're sort of like super heros, but...uh..." 

I'm not weird and unrelatable,  I swear! I just happen to be a fan of some really awesome off the wall stuff.

But anyway, I figured I'd share this fab song I've had stuck in my head for a couple of days now.

The Watchmaker's Apprentice by Clockwork Quartet--they're a steampunk group I found mentioned over in the comments section on EPBOT

have a great spring break and stay safe!

Ana :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Your formal introduction to steampunk and this blog. :D

New blog! Yaaaaay. In case you were wondering about the title of my blog, it's related to my current obsession with steampunk. What's steampunk you might ask? Well, it's kind of Victorian period meets sci-fi. The style behind the reimagining of a world of highly advanced technology where everything is powered by steam instead of electricity. But still in old Victorian style. Get it? No? Maybe this will help:

(btw, WANT.)

And some airships
 so...steamy. I mean cool.

But anyway. Now that that's out of the way, my blog.
I've had a couple of blogs over the years, but wanted to start fresh with a new one that would capture me right now as I am, on the cusp of turning 22 (eek!), and more importantly, one that I could share with everyone. Because trust me, you really don't want to read my rants as a 15 year old. I don't even like re-reading some of that stuff, and it's stuff that I wrote. So yes.

I don't know how often I'll write, but I definitely want to keep this blog as current as we'll just see how it goes.
Until next time,

Ana :)